domingo, 5 de agosto de 2018

Las Personas

Son retazos.

Llunares en los ojos.

Disparos en un muro...

Son anfiteatros móviles
de pasos inocupables.

Telones entreabiertos.



Hasta la luz más pura que produce la vida,
tendrá que enfrentarse a filtros
que la ocultarán casi por completo.

Fruto irremediable de la terquedad y el conocimiento;
entre la basura concebírémos nuestro todo.

Las formas y los nombres;
reafirmarán su capacidad
de ocupar el sagrado lugar del alma.


martes, 27 de marzo de 2018

The Young Man's Coat

As the sun rises slowly, and the moon hides leaving his empty space in the sky right like hunger does, in my whole body. I must return to my confinement, in a huge apartment building located on top of the hills, just on the edge of the city. I have chosen this place to live, because it has the shape of a gothic castle and it looks amazingly beautiful when a full moon is settled over Cali nights.
Once here in my apartment, I drop my heavy coat in the almost red, blood stained rug, to enter in my coffin and sleep until the angels come to wake me. Sometimes it’s hard to conceive the sleep since the walls are so thin and pale as my arms. So while all the noisy neighbors are waking up, to begin with whatever they do in life I’m trying to sleep again with my belly full of iron taste liquid.
It’s late again now, and I left my castle finding out a way to defeat the dark hunger that kill my inners, and return as fast as I can before the sun burn my eye-pupils. For that reason I only see two people daily: the janitor and the watchmen; which always are laughing in them cellphones or falling asleep, when I find myself leaving the building. So you can guess how mediocre my relationship with the other neighbors is. I just usually greet the same people but tonight, there’s a third person in the lobby, and she is looking for me.
--“Hi Sr, I heard about you, and I certainly want to have a talk with you”
- “Hi madam, it’s too late isn’t it? Please leave the building and return to your place, I´m not interested in this moment. I must suggest you to return to your home, this city is not safe at all”
-- “But wait, where do you go then? If all that insecurity is out there! Hey, wait, young man”
- “Excuse me. As not a young man, I know how to care myself. and sorry but my life is not your business.”
I left the castle with my heavy coat on point, and my skin so white, than you can easily notice that the human veins, are actually black. The night sea wind is there always giving me chills. It was whispering something louder than the female voice yelling from back, that triggered eve more my deep hunger. However, in my descent to the downtown I checked backwards many times, but no one was there. ¿Why does she know about me? Well it seems like she was not that interested. I thought she was following my steps, but for some reason she wasn’t so I laugh, while in one of those downtown dirty corners, appears a shadow walking like a zombie.
Personally, I don’t like them but when you are in the hunger verge, they are safest way to eat, also very fast like if you are in Mc Donald’s, and without all that worries that imply kill a healthy person with a family and those things. The zombie appears to need something from him, so he was literally walking delivering his rotten body to the deaths.
---“Got a lighter or a match boy?”
-“Let me check in my coat, right?”- I answered him while my mind was mad thinking: Yesss, come ooon, just approach a little bit more and your ass is dead, fool.
---“You know what? Forget about the fire. Nice coat motherfucker, I always wanted one like those, thank you very much, you pussy hahaha”

The homeless man tried to grab him by the coat, but the young man was ready to avoid his attack attempt, opening the coat zipper to unveil his deadly weapon. Under that coat, two long sharpened needles were waiting to stab the stinky skin of the “zombie” and leech his life out. All his strength started to vanish like mist. The coat was sucking the blood extremely fast, that the man stopped fighting instantly. He was kinda sedated and confused by some street drugs so I guess, he fainted to die fast, while his blood began to pass through all the paraphernalia incrustated in my coat.
Checked his blood pressure with my hands, but the delicious vibration of the liquid, keeping a body warm was gone. The neck is drained -I said to myself- now I can return to the castle. But first, I need to disappear the remains of my lunch.
I know this is not the best way to clean a crimescene but, something that I really know in this life, is that in the downtown sewer system is completely abandoned by mayor, so I removed one of those concrete sewer covers, and threw the corpse, to let it sink deep in the shitty water.
As soon as I turned my head, rubbing my hands as sign of the job is finished. I got surprised. Right there was a girl staring at me. As soon as my sight became clearer, I recognize her, she was the girl I met tonight early at my castle lobby.
It seems like she was following me all this time since I left the castle. I was shocked, but she was not frightened at all and she don't even scream, when I noticed her presence. Instead of that she started a conversation with me.
--“You need help young man, I saw what you just did to that hobo”
-“You don’t really need any kind of knowledge after meet me, this night, I promise you, Do you remember what I said to you last time?
--“Yes, I do. That I should take care of me, this city is messed up”
-"Well done madame, that’s indeed because I’m apart of that insecurity”


miércoles, 9 de agosto de 2017

La Carta

Entregue una carta maldita al viento,
pidiendo con ingenuidad amor y piedad....

En ella habían letras vivas,
llenas de tristeza.

En ella
Habían cuerdas de guitarra vibrando
como la piel de los olvidados.

El viento enardecido la volvió mierda en instantes.

No sin antes llevar la carta
Hasta el lugar de un poeta que se odiaba.

El sobre sabia palpitar
como un animal
y llevaba un corazón blanco
y deforme en la portada.

El poeta no dudó
en restregar sus sangrientas
y auto provocadas heridas,
pintando al pálido corazón
como corresponde.
Abrió el sobre,
que convulsionaba
como una sobredosis
y vio lo que este traía en su interior.
El contenido solía ser un paisaje
ahora destruido.

Era la fotografía de un sentimiento mutilado.

Una carta estropeada que suplicaba piedad
Su sangre se secaba en el papel
mientras el poeta huía por los recovecos
ensombreciendo la noche.
Sentía que aquel trozo de papel moría.
Y sus dos tumbas lo habían escupido
como si su vida fuese una mentira.
Por ello lo entrego doloroso a las alcantarillas.

Nada como la putrefacción
para criar vidas efímeras y rechazadas
Flota en pedazos
como un barco de piel en el torrente de porquería.
Nunca más serás víctima del viento.

Vete a morir lejos maldita sea.

Que no te vean los ojos nunca mas.

Que nadie descifre que querías decir.

It's too late.

Aférrate al papel

y desciende por tu cauce.

martes, 27 de junio de 2017


Cómo pesas oh tierra malherida,
mientras te llevo
camino al cementerio.

Cómo te ves de sola
en la pradera espacial,
en mi malvada carretilla...

Cavaré una fosa con promesas,
y en tu lápida irá puesta una estrella...
A tus despojos
los cubriré con tiempo y distancia

Cómo pesas oh tierra
en mis versos donde aguardas malherida.

Serás una historia inexistente

Una máquina que arranca miradas extrañas.

Hacia ti van dirigidos millones de sueños muertos.

Hoy por última vez atravesaras mi corazón con tu destello.

Y acogeré la universal asfixia entre mis manos.

Es mi misión pintarte en lienzo.
Bañar el universo
con la vista de tu cielo,

Sentir la sangre de todos los que te vistieron,
como la semilla en tu armazón de hueso y fuego.

Cómo pesas oh tierra malherida
Mientras veo alejarse tu silueta
En mi olvido, tu cementerio.


miércoles, 19 de abril de 2017

El Hombre Gallo Gato

A mi abuelo Jaime

Salvado está
el hombre gallo gato
de las tristezas.

Muy temprano,
se prepara para ir a cantar
y visita las montañas del valle.

Las obras maestras del arte
son el amor de su vida.

La historia es su único hambre.

Habita los sueños y las bicicletas.

Nadie escribió tantos poemas
en los semáforos.

Nadie nunca
exprimió tanto,
las flores y los pájaros ;

Cali es testíga.

Al llegar a la cima
de su recorrido,
el hombre gallo gato,
mira el mundo como un clarinete.

Empieza amanecer,
y desde el fruto de su alma,
el hombre gallo gato
siempre canta.


Lobotomía a Bisturí Oxidado

He ahí pues,
quel borde donde conviven
la vida y la muerte,
en los sabios dientes
de las cosas. 

La corteza es siempre
Un lugar especial
donde detenerse.

La hoja ende;
y el cielo de una clínica
el follaje de azoteas.

Con garras largas,
la luz ,
se aferra fuerte

Arrancando puñados oscuros.
donde fuiste un habitante
vano y solemne.

No hay proyección...
Y aun así todo funciona.

Es un estado de sueño,
donde las pasiones
son la forma,
y los sentimientos
pintura en aerosol.

Una de mis garras
atrapa algo...

El primer acto de la vida.
Un pasillo entre dos casas
donde dormí a gusto
sobre perros fronterizos,
que ofrecían su carne henchida
como lecho.

Una presión maciza forzó
la salida de mi cuerpo.

Lo que se haga luego...
Es albedrío de sombras
que he visto en mi camino.

Me dispongo a viajar por el gran paisaje que en mi mente queda.

Llena de algodones frescos,
mi boca callada,
como las plantas de Don Juan,
solo quiere hacerse polvo.
